Gorham Chantilly 4-Piece Sterling Silver Flatware Place Set, Service for 1

 Gorham Chantilly 4-Piece Sterling Silver Flatware Place Set, Service for 1

Gorham Chantilly 4-Piece Sterling Silver Flatware Place Set, Service for 1

Gorham Chantilly 4-Piece Sterling Silver Flatware Place Set, Service for 1

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Monday, January 23, 2012

What To Look For In Silverware

What To Look For In Silverware

One of the most important eleMents of a properly Dressed table, be it formal or casual, is high quality silverware. In fact, silverware has a lot more to offer than mere functionality. Design, color, and usability are all key factors that are easily overlooked by today's busy shoppers.

What To Look For In Silverware

What To Look For In Silverware

What To Look For In Silverware

What To Look For In Silverware

What To Look For In Silverware

In the past, "silverware" was rather different from what we are accustomed to today. The first eating impleMents were very rudiMentary wooden utensils. At first, the spoon was the most important (and sometimes sole) utensil used at the table. Although knives have been used to prepare Food for several centuries, they were not common at the average person's table. The fork, today's ubiquitous eating utensil, is the relatively recent invention of an ingenious woman.

Today, silverware is typically sold in sets. A European silverware set is composed by seven utensils: fork, knife, soup spoon, fruit or dessert fork, fruit knife, dessert spoon and coffee spoon. In contrast, five utensils compose the typical North American dining set: fork, knife, soupspoon, fruit/dessert fork and teaspoon.

Silverware sets do not have to be expensive. Extremely simple sets that are easily affordable can be found almost anywhere. At the other end of the spectrum, exquisite hand-forged silverware sets are popping up at more and more boutique stores. The choices are nearly endless. That said, how should one choose? There are two criteria I suggest that you keep in mind when choosing silverware: how the utensils feel in your hand, and the type of table setting you plan to use them with.

You can easily judge the feel and usability of silverware by holding a piece in your hand. There are no pre-set rules to follow. Just hold the utensils and see if they are well-balanced and comfortable to hold. The second important aspect to keep in mind when choosing silverware is the type of table or setting you plan to use the silverware with. If it is intended for everyday use, you should choose something that can easily withstand the constant use of your family and one that is dishwasher safe. Stainless steel is always a good choice. Stainless steel silverware is almost indestructible yet can be very beautiful at the same time. Here is a good example: If, on the other hand, you plan to have a more formal dinner or table setting, then you should probably choose a more precious and elaborate set of silverware. Sterling silver is the classic choice, of course, but high quality silver-plated sets will also work nicely. The price of silver-plated dinnerware is much more affordable than pure silver and the look and feel is essentially the same. Here is a good example of formal silver-plated utensils.

Always keep in mind that even though marketers and advertisers will tell you differently, you do not have to spend a fortune to properly Dress a formal dinner table. Ultimately, the overall effect of your well-chosen details counts much more than the Dollar amount you spent. Be creative and live beautiful!

What To Look For In Silverware